
主 催: NII 先端ソフトウェア工学国際研究センター(GRACEセンター)
日 時: 2009年1月28日(水) 10:00-12:00
場 所: 国立情報学研究所(NII) 20セミナー室1(2006室)(地図))
参加費: 無料
お問い合わせ: 吉岡信和 (nobukazu_AT_nii.ac.jp)_AT_を@に書き換えてください。

“13th GRACE Seminar”というタイトルで電子メールでご登録をお願いします。


10:00-11:00 Code Clone Analysis and Its Application,slides

Speaker: Katsuro Inoue, Osaka University, Japan
11:00-12:00 Efficient Model Checking of Networked Applications,slides

Speaker: Cyrille Artho, AIST, Japan

Title: Code Clone Analysis and Its Application
Speaker: Katsuro Inoue, Osaka University, Japan

In this talk, we will show our current activities in software
engineering researches, especially on the topic of code clone analysis
and its application to research and industry. Code clone is a code
fragment which has a similar or identical code fragrament in the same
or different files. We have developed a code clone detection tool
named CCFinder, and have applied it to various source programs. We
will show the analysis approach and the application results.

Katsuro Inoue received his B.S. and Ph.D. from Osaka University in
1979 and 1984, respectively. He was an associate professor at the
University of Hawaii at Manoa from 1984 to 1986. After becoming an
assistant professor in 1989 and an associate professor in 1991, he has
been a professor in Osaka University since 1995. He holds a Ph.D. in
engineering. He is engaged in the study of software engineering,
especially in empirical approach, program analysis, and software

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Title: Efficient Model Checking of Networked Applications
Speaker: Cyrille Artho, AIST, Japan

Most applications today communicate with other processes over a
network. Such applications are often multi-threaded. The
non-determinism in the thread and communication schedules makes it
desirable to model check such applications. When model checking such
a networked application, a simple state space exploration scheme is
not applicable, as the process being model checked would repeat
communication operations when revisiting a given state after
backtracking. We propose a solution that encapsulates such operations
in a caching layer that is capable of hiding redundant communication
operations from the environment. This approach is both more portable
and more scalable than other approaches, as only a single process
executes inside the model checker.

Cyrille Artho has completed his Ph.D. at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, in
May 2005. From June 2005 to March 2007, he worked as a post-doctoral
researcher at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo, Japan.
During that time, he has given several introductory lectures on Model
Checking while working together with NII researchers on an advanced
course about model checking for distributed Java programs. From April
2007 onwards, he has continued his career as research scientist at
AIST in Tokyo.

カテゴリー: 研究, セミナー パーマリンク
