
◆□◆GRACEメールマガジン2016/12/2 第53号◆□◆





◆◆第82回GRACEセミナー ◆◆

【会場】国立情報学研究所(NII) 20F ミーティングルーム(2009/2010)
〒101-8430 東京都千代田区一ツ橋2-1-2




Bashar Nuseibeh
Professor,Open University

Software without Boundaries: engineering secure invisible software

The notion of a “boundary” has played a central role in software and systems
engineering over many decades. It is key to successful requirements
engineering where problem boundaries scope customer goals, and to effective
software and systems design where boundaries separate functional components,
and hide implementation details, through interfaces. Boundaries also help
organise software processes by separating development activities and
artefacts, such as separating requirements from design, and problems from
solutions. Increasingly the use boundaries has been even broader, with
researchers recognising boundaries in socio-technical systems,
cyber-physical systems, and interactive systems. While the proliferation of
ubiquitous computing technologies, popularised by the Internet of Things and
and Smart Cities, has demanded that technological infrastructures manage
heterogeneity by hiding boundaries, other concerns such as security and
privacy demand explicit representations and awareness of boundaries across
which information, devices, and people should not pass. This talk is in two
parts: the first, speculative, explores the role of boundaries in software
and systems engineering research, and the second, empirical, reports on
several years of software engineering qualitative studies that demonstrate
the part that boundaries have played in my own research, focusing on
building adaptive, secure, privacy-aware software systems.

Bashar Nuseibeh is Professor of Computing at The Open University (Director
of Research 2001-2008) and a Professor of Software Engineering at Lero – The
Irish Software Research Centre (Chief Scientist 2009-2012). Previously he
was a Reader in Computing at Imperial College London, Head of its Software
Engineering Laboratory, and then a Visiting Professor for over 10 years. He
is currently a Visiting Professor at University College London and the
National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo, Japan. His current research
interests lie at the intersection of of requirements engineering, adaptive
systems, and security and privacy. He served as Editor-in-Chief of IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering and of the Automated Software
Engineering Journal, and currently serves as Software Engineering Editor of
ACM Books and Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Software Engineering
and Methodology. He chaired the Steering Committee of the International
Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) and IFIP Working Group 2.9 on
Requirements Engineering. He received an ICSE Most Influential Paper Award,
a Philip Leverhulme Prize, an Automated Software Engineering Fellowship, and
a Senior Research Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering. His
research work crosses a number of discipline boundaries in computing, and
has received best paper/artefact awards in software engineering (e.g., best
paper at RE), Logic Programming (e.g. best application paper at ICLP),
Human-Computer Interaction (e.g. best research video at CHI), natural
language processing (e.g., best paper and tool at MedNLP), and security &
privacy (e.g. best paper at TrustCom 2014). He currently holds a Royal
Society-Wolfson Merit Award and a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced
Grant on Adaptive Security and Privacy. More information at http://nuseibeh.


【主催】国立情報学研究所 GRACEセンター
国立情報学研究所 石川冬樹(seminar-steering_AT_grace-center.jp)
※ __AT__をアットマークで置き換えてください。


カテゴリー: メルマガ パーマリンク
