
今回のGRACEセミナーでは,ブエノスアイレス大学のSebastian Uchitel教授とNicolas D’Ippolito助教をお招きしてソフトウェア検証に関する最新の研究内容についてご講演いただきます.
Uchitel教授は2007年からICSEのsteering committeeをご担当され,2017年にはブエノスアイレスで開催されるICSE17のGeneral Chairも務められる,世界トップクラスのソフトウェア工学研究者です.また,D’Ippolito助教もICSE, FSE, FM等のトップクラス会議に論文を通している勢いのある若手研究者です.


◆◆第81回GRACEセミナー ◆◆

【会場】国立情報学研究所(NII) 20F ミーティングルーム(2009/2010)
〒101-8430 東京都千代田区一ツ橋2-1-2




Sebastian Uchitel
Professor, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Behaviour Abstractions for Validation and Verification of Software Protocols

Validation and Verification are two notoriously difficult software engineering tasks.
Model driven engineering aims, amongst other things, to reduce the verification effort
by providing correctness by construction guarantees. Yet the problem of validation still remains,
and as I will argue in the first part of my talk, it is notoriously more difficult than verification.
I will then discuss our ongoing effort to develop automated techniques that produce behaviour
abstractions for software artefacts such as API’s (i.e. artefacts that exhibit a set of operations
and impose non-trivial restrictions on the order in which these may be used). I will introduce
Enabledness Preserving Abstractions and show that they are a concise yet expressive representations
of the behaviour space for such artefacts. I will discuss various industrial case studies together
with successes and limitations

Nicolas D’Ippolito
Assistant Professor, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Dynamic Controller Update and Planning as Reactive Control

In this talk I’ll be presenting two approaches based on controller
First I’ll address the problem of dynamic update of controllers in
reactive systems when the specification (environment assumptions,
requirements and interface) of the current system changes. We present a
general approach to specifying correctness criteria for dynamic update
and a technique for automatically computing a controller that handles
the transition from the old to the new specification, assuring that the
system will reach a state in which such a transition can correctly occur.
Second, I’ll present an approach to solve the widely studied problem of
planning from the AI community as a reactive control problem. I’ll
present the approach and the complexity analysis that shows it is
possible to reduce planning problems to polynomial-time control solutions.


協力:トップエスイー プロジェクト

カテゴリー: 研究, セミナー, 未分類 パーマリンク
