
今回のGRACEセミナーでは,Design by Contractを始め,プログラミング言語・ソフトウェア工学に多大な貢献をされ現在もご活躍なさっているBertrand Meyer教授を招き,並行オブジェクトプログラミングの支援やロボットなどへの応用についてご講演いただきます.


◆◆第80回GRACEセミナー ◆◆

【会場】国立情報学研究所(NII) 19F 会議室1,2(1901,1902)
〒101-8430 東京都千代田区一ツ橋2-1-2




Speaker: Prof. Bertrand Meyer(ETH Zurich, Innopolis University and Eiffel Software)

Title: Can concurrent programming be safe and easy? The SCOOP approach

Most software today needs to be concurrent, taking advantage of multicore
and distributed computing platforms, or just of multithreading. Building
concurrent applications remains a black art; with the standard
multithreading mechanisms, the constant risk of data races and deadlocks
threatens the execution of all applications. To try to avoid these pitfalls
and produce applications that are both efficient and safe, programmers have
few tools and little guidance; testing, in particular, is of little help.

The “Concurrency Made Easy” ERC Advanced Investigator Project, building on
the SCOOP model of concurrent computation, proposes a concurrency approach
that strays as little as possible from established principles of sequential
object-oriented programming. The aim is to allow developers to get the full
performance of concurrent applications while continuing to reason about
their programs in the classical way. I will present these techniques, the
current state of their implementation, examples of applications, and the
perspective these developments offer for the future of programming.

At the end of the talk I will also spend a few minutes describing work in
other areas: practical software verification (AutoProof, AutoTest),
automatic bug fixing (Autofix), support for online programming education,
pedagogical principles of teaching introductory programming and MOOCs,
support for distributed software development, software for robotics.

協力:トップエスイー プロジェクト

カテゴリー: 研究, セミナー, 未分類 パーマリンク
