GRACEセンターメールマガジン2013/3/4 第30号

◆□◆GRACEメールマガジン2013/3/4 第30号◆□◆


今回のGRACEセミナーでは,上海交通大学のJianjun Zhao教授をお招きして,

【会場】国立情報学研究所(NII) 20階 ミーティングルーム1・2(2009・2010)
〒101-8430 東京都千代田区一ツ橋2-1-2

【主催】NII 先端ソフトウェア工学・国際研究センター





Debugging with Online Slicing and Dryrun

Prof. Jianjun Zhao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Efficient tools are indispensable in the battle against software bugs
during both development and maintenance. In this talk, we will
introduce two techniques that target different phases of an
interactive and iterative debugging session. To help fault diagnosis,
we split the costly computation of backward slicing into online and
offline, and employ incremental updates after program edits. The
result is a vast reduction of slicing cost. For the benchmarks we
tested, slices can be computed in the range of seconds, which is
0.3%-5% of the unmodified slicing algorithm.

The possibility of running slicing in situ and with instant response
time gives rise to the possibility of editing-time validation, which
we call dryrun. The idea is that a pair of slices, one forward from
root cause and one backward from the bug site, defines the scope to
validate a fix. This localization makes it possible to invoke symbolic
execution and constraint solving which are otherwise too expensive to
use in an interactive debugging environment.

Jianjun Zhao received the PhD degree in computer science from Kyushu
University, Japan in 1997 and the B.Eng. degree in computer science
from Tsinghua University, China in 1987. He is currently a full
professor at the School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
(SJTU), China. Before joining SJTU, he was an assistant professor at
the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Fukuoka Institute
of Technology, Japan, from April 1997 to March 2000, and an associate
professor from April 2000 to October 2005. He also worked as a
visiting scientist at the Laboratory for Computer Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, from April 2002 to March 2003.
His primary research interest is program analysis, software testing,
model checking, and formal specification and verification techniques.
He has published more than 70 research papers in a number of
conferences proceedings, including ICSE, ECOOP, ASE, ISSTA, PEPM,
AOSD, FASE, ICSM. He served/is serving as a PC member for various
international conferences including ECOOP, AOSD, ICSM, ISSRE, GPCE,
and CSMR. (


●GRACEメールマガジンの 第30号をお届けしました。
ご意見、ご感想は、GRACEセンター事務局 (


カテゴリー: メルマガ パーマリンク
