
主催:NII 先端ソフトウェア工学国際研究センター(GRACEセンター)
場所:国立情報学研究所(NII) 20階ミーティングルーム(2010)(地図

お問い合わせ:加藤 弘之 (kato_AT_nii.ac.jp)_AT_を@に書き換えてください。




Analysing Monitoring Requirements for Adaptive Systems


Changes happen to adaptive systems at runtime. Some may cause total failures of the system, some may not matter.
One aim to address failures is a proactive analysis of the impact on software requirements before they ever happen.
Such analysis could tell, at runtime, where appropriate monitors are to be instrumented for diagnosing the root causes of system failures.
This is an initial step towards the study of requirements-driven self-healing systems.


Dr. Yijun Yu is a Senior Lecturer at the Open University, where he leads a research programme on Automated Software Engineering since 2006.
He was a Visiting Professor at University of Trento (2008), and a Visiting Scientist at IBM Toronto Lab (2003-2006).
Dr Yu is interested in investigating and developing automated techniques to better support human activities in software development.
In particular, he is interested in requirements recovery in order to retrofit existing solutions into systems that can proactively adapt to environmental changes.
The talk will highlight this line of research.

カテゴリー: 研究, セミナー パーマリンク
