
主催:NII 先端ソフトウェア工学国際研究センター(GRACEセンター)
場所:国立情報学研究所(NII) 20階実習室(2001)

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Speaker: Professor David Notkin
Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington

Title: Logical Structural Diff AND Some Questions about Software We Should
and Should Not Be Asking

Software engineers often inspect program differences when reviewing others’ code changes, when writing check-in comments, or when determining why a program behaves differently from expected behavior. Program differencing tools that support these tasks are limited in their ability to group related code changes or to detect potential inconsistency in program changes. To overcome these limitations and to complement existing approaches, we built Logical Structural Diff (LSDiff) that infers systematic structural differences as logic rules, noting anomalies from systematic changes as exceptions to the logic rules. We conducted a focus group study with professional software engineers in a large E-commerce company and also compared LSDiff’s results with plain structural differences without rules and textual differences. Our evaluation suggests that LSDiff complements existing differencing tools by grouping code changes that form systematic change patterns regardless of their distribution throughout the code and that its ability to discover anomalies shows promise in detecting inconsistent changes. This is joint work with Professor Miryung Kim from the University of Texas at Austin. I will also briefly present some questions about software engineering research that we discuss too much and that we discuss too little.

David Notkin received his bachelor’s in computer science, cum laude with honors, from Brown University in 1977, and his PhD in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University in 1984. He has been on the Computer Science & Engineering faculty at the University of Washington since 1984, serving as department chair (2001-06) and now holding the endowed Bradley Chair. Among his honors and awards are a 1988 National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, the 2000 University of Washington Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award, and being named an ACM Fellow in 1998 and IEEE Fellow in 2007.

Since 2007, Notkin has been the editor-in-chief of ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. He has served as a member of the Computing Research Association board of directors since 2005, and co-chair of the Academic Alliance of the National Center for Women in Information Technology until 2008. In 1993, he was the program chair for the 1st ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, and in 1995 was program co-chair for 17th International Conference on Software Engineering. He served as the chair of ACM SIGSOFT, the special interest group on software engineering, from 1997-2001. He has advised 19 PhD students and several dozen master’s students. He was a visiting faculty member at both Tokyo Institute of Technology and Osaka University in 1990-91. In 1997-98, he spent four months as a visiting researcher at the IBM Haifa Research Laboratory, and in 2006-07 he was a visiting researcher at Lund University in Sweden.

カテゴリー: 研究, セミナー パーマリンク
